
Naarmate de technologie vordert, bieden satellieten steeds vaker een betrouwbare bron van ruimtelijk gedistribueerde informatie over verschillende omgevingsvariabelen. Door gebruik te maken van de reflecterende eigenschappen van het aardoppervlak en de atmosfeer, is het onder andere mogelijk om vegetatieve bedekking, regenval, sneeuwbedekking, landoppervlakte temperatuur en daadwerkelijke verdamping door de tijd te volgen. Sensoren zoals Landsat ETM, MODIS, PROBA-V en Sentinel bieden een scala aan opties op verschillende ruimtelijke en temporele schalen. FutureWater maakt gebruik van open-access datasets in het dagelijkse consultancywerk, voor operationele beslissingsondersteunende systemen en voor het voeden, kalibreren en valideren van hydrologische modellen.

Satellieten bieden nu een beeldarchief dat zich over meerdere decennia uitstrekt. Deze historische gegevens stellen ons in staat trends en ruimtelijke patronen te identificeren in verschillende factoren die verband houden met het beheer van watervoorraden, zoals watervoorziening, waterverbruik en gewasgroei. Veranderingen in landbedekking, zoals ontbossing en landbouwuitbreiding, kunnen in kaart worden gebracht en gekwantificeerd in de beoordeling van ecosysteemdiensten en bodemdegradatie. Door gebruik te maken van de modernste tools zoals de Google Earth Engine, analyseren we deze trends en patronen om beleidsmakers te ondersteunen bij het identificeren van passende maatregelen op verschillende locaties in hun interessegebied. Bovendien beschouwt FutureWater van satellieten afgeleide datasets als essentieel voor het maximaliseren van de kwaliteit van de output van simulatiemodellen ter ondersteuning van besluitvormers, met name in gebieden met weinig beschikbare meetgegevens.

Hoewel satellieten alleen informatie kunnen geven over de situatie in het verleden, biedt een slimme combinatie van teledetectie en simulatiemodellering een geïntegreerde kijk op de historische, huidige en toekomstige beschikbaarheid van water. Regeringen, stroomgebiedsautoriteiten, boeren en waterkrachtbedrijven zijn geïnteresseerd in het anticiperen op toekomstige gebeurtenissen door tijdige en gerichte maatregelen te nemen. Door hydrologische modellen te voeden met de meest recente satellietbeelden in een operationele context, kunnen op korte termijn prognoses worden opgesteld op basis van de huidige huidige omstandigheden. Een aantal satellieten komt vrij vaak voorbij, waardoor hun gegevens vooral nuttig zijn voor operationele beslissingsondersteunende systemen. We verzamelen deze gegevens zodra ze beschikbaar zijn, verwerken ze met behulp van onze modellen en verspreiden de resulterende informatie naar de eindgebruiker van het systeem. Up-to-date satellietbeelden geven inzicht in de feitelijke omstandigheden met betrekking tot watervoorraden en vegetatie, zonder het veld te hoeven bezoeken.


Bij de meeste van onze projecten maakt FutureWater gebruik van satellietteledetectie voor een of meer van de hierboven beschreven doeleinden. Enkele voorbeelden worden hieronder gegeven.

FutureWater heeft de toolkit voor droogtecontrole en effectbeoordeling (DMIAT) ontwikkeld om droogtegevoelige gebieden te karakteriseren in termen van droogtegevaar, kwetsbaarheid en risico, en om de effecten van een specifieke droogtegebeurtenis te evalueren. Bovenstaande afbeelding toont de geïntegreerde droogtegevaarindex voor twee provincies in Cambodja en twee in Thailand; het resultaat van een uitgebreide op satellietgegevens gebaseerde analyse met statistieken van ruimtelijke regenval, vegetatiebedekking en landoppervlaktemperatuur. Meer informatie over het project vind je hier.

FutureWater maakt gebruik van satellietdata bij de beoordeling van ecosysteemdiensten, met name diegene met betrekking tot water (zie het witboek over dit onderwerp onder leiding van FutureWater). Satellietgegevens kunnen worden geïntegreerd met simulatiemodellen om ecosysteemdiensten te kwantificeren, zoals de bijdrage van water tijdens het droge seizoen. Bovenstaande kaart toont het stroomgebied van het Inle-meer in Myanmar, een gebied waar de watervoorziening in het droge seizoen van groot belang is om het peil van het meer te kunnen handhaven, water te leveren voor binnenlandse- en landbouwconsumptie en de productie van waterkracht te ondersteunen. Door verschillende bronnen van satellietgegevens en het InVEST-ecosysteemdienstenmodel te integreren, bracht FutureWater de ecosysteemdiensten in het Inle-meergebied in kaart ter ondersteuning van de besluitvorming over natuurbeschermingsbeleid door een nieuw opgerichte stroomgebiedsbeheerautoriteit. Meer informatie over het project vind je hier.

Het combineren van satellietgegevens met simulatiemodellen kan ook strategieën voor duurzaam landbeheer (SLM) ondersteunen. In gebieden met nauwelijks beschikbare veldgegevens zijn satellieten vaak de enige beschikbare bron die up-to-date, ruimtelijk opgesplitste gegevens levert. Bovenstaande kaart aan de linkerkant toont de jaarlijkse gemiddelde erosiegraad voor het Bealanana-stroomgebied in Madagaskar, berekend met het SPHY-model. Het hoge niveau van ruimtelijke details van deze kaart wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de integratie van satellietgerelateerde datasets over vegetatiedynamiek, landbedekking en het terrein. Met een betrouwbaar simulatiemodel, onder meer gevalideerd door satellietafgeleide veradampingsgegevens, is het mogelijk om verschillende SLM-scenario’s uit te voeren en de impact op erosie en sedimentie te bepalen van b.v. maatregelen zoals herbebossing, bosbouw en het aanleggen van terrassen. Meer informatie over het project vind je hier.

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  • Supporting Ambitious Climate Action in Central Asia

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  • Climate Risk Assessment East-West Highway Road Project, Georgia

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  • Tailor-Made Training for water professionals in Myanmar

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  • Mavo Diami: Services on Land-crop Suitability Mapping and Operational Irrigation Advice in Angola

    The overall project goal is to improve sustainable food and income security for >100,000 smallholder farmers in Angola, by accelerating their agri-business performance through informed decisions supported by the Mavo Diami services built on weather, soil and crop signals and other relevant data and indicators. Ensuring the services are offered...

  • Climate Risk Assessment CAREC Road Project, Tajikistan

    The Obigarm–Nurobod road section of the existing M41 highway, which carries about 3000 vehicles per day, will be inundated once the Rogun HPP reservoir has filled to operating levels. The government of Tajikistan has requested the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to construct a 72 km long road...

  • Climate Risk Assessment Energy Distribution Network Modernization Program, Uzbekistan

    In consultation with ADB and the project engineers, a rapid climate change assessment for the proposed investment program has been carried out so that the findings of the assessment can be integrated in the project design. The climate assessment focuses on the following issues: (i) screening of natural hazards in...

  • Water Resources and Eco-hydrological Assessments of Tonle Sap and Mekong Delta Basins

    The overall project objective is to support MOWRAM to make more informed, evidence-based water resources management and irrigation investment decisions through better understanding of water resources and ecosystems of two river basin groups: the Tonle Sap and the Mekong Delta. The project concerns (i) rapid water resources assessment of the...

  • Climate Risk Assessment North-South Corridor Road Project, Georgia

    The government of Georgia has requested the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to progressively improve the North–South Corridor by (i) constructing a 23-km two-lane bypass road, (ii) providing adequate safety features and improving geometric alignment and (iii) providing well-designed...

  • Satellite-based Monitoring of the Health Status of Grasslands at the Alagon Valley

    This project is part of the technical-innovation support provided by FutureWater to ECOPRADERAS, an EIP-AGRI Operational Group which aims to improve the sustainable management of grasslands located at the Alagon Valley (Extremadura, Spain). Specific tasks included: the definition of a methodological framework for monitor the health of grasslands at the...

  • Glacio-hydrological Assessment for Hydropower in the Nakhra River

    The objective was to develop a glacio-hydrological assessment for planned run-of-river hydropower plant locations in the Nakhraa river basin in Georgia. The availability of observed river flow data is limited. Hence the assessment was developed based on hydrological simulations of the basin using the SPHY model (Terink et al., 2015)....

  • Training on Using Open Source Platforms for Hydrological Modelling of Data Sparse Regions in Nepal

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  • Glacio-hydrological assessment for hydropower, Mestiachala river, Georgia

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  • Improved catchment management for small hydropower

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  • AgriSeasonal: Seasonal Climate Services for Agriculture

    Future climatic and hydrologic conditions have significant impacts for selecting crops varieties, planning the growing season and ensuring water supply during the irrigation period. To the present day, monthly to yearly decisions in agriculture rely on past climate observations. This practice is going to fail more frequently in the context...

  • Climate Risk Assessment: Yanji City China

    Jilin Yanji Low-Carbon Climate-Resilient Urban Development in China is supported by the Asian Development Bank. In the context of this investment project FutureWater will undertake a Climate Risk Assessment (CRA). The CRA will be based on the bottom-up approach where climate models (GCMs) are not the guiding boundary conditions, but...

  • SMART-WADI: SMART WAter Decisions for Iran

    The SMART-WADI project (SMART Water Decisions for Iran), carried out by a consortium of FutureWater, IHE-Delft, and local partner EWERI, focuses on farmers who irrigate their crops with groundwater. The aim is to provide up-to-date information and advice on water productivity, irrigation and farm management. The project combines the latest...

  • Agricultural Water Consumption in the Australian Border Rivers Catchment

    FutureWater was hired to use satellite-derived data to provide a preliminary spatiotemporal assessment of water consumption across the Border Rivers catchment, one of the MDB catchments where excessive agricultural water use is an urgent issue. For relevant specific lots / properties, monthly water consumption dynamics were evaluated. This study is...

  • Remote Sensing Course in Angola

    The project "Knowledge-to-Knowledge" (K2K), aims to strengthen and enhance the capacity of the main Angolan knowledge institutions in agricultural sciences, to establish a strong relate between knowledge and practice. FutureWater collaborates with Wageningen University on giving a training on remote sensing and GIS techniques in agricultural applications and services to...

  • Climate Projections and Risk Assessment for eThekwini Municipality

    C40 is supporting a small set of pilot cities develop and update their climate action planning (mitigation and adaptation) to ensure it meets 1.5°C Paris agreement level of ambition. The City of Durban (eThekwini Municipality) is one of the cities participating in the pilot. Climate Adapatation Services and FutureWater together...

  • MRC Mekong State of the Basin Report 2018: China and Myanmar

    The Upper Mekong Basin has seen rapid economic development, radical land use changes and extensive hydropower development on the mainstream. FutureWater was hired by the Mekong River Commission to evaluate hydrological, environmental, economic and social indicators of the Upper Mekong Basin in China and Myanmar. Current status and trends in...

  • NL-RIA: Satellite-based altimetry data for hydrological assessments

    A Dutch consortium has joined in the project “Dutch network on small spaceborne radar instruments and applications (NL-RIA)”, led by TU Delft. The objective is to bundle the radar-related knowhow available in The Netherlands, and fill the knowledge gaps, in order to boost SmallSat radar-based Earth Observation technology. The task...

  • TWIGA: Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa

    TWIGA aims to provide actionable geo-information on weather, water, and climate in Africa through innovative combinations of new in situ sensors and satellite-based geo-data. With the foreseen new services, TWIGA expects to reach twelve million people within the four years of the project, based on sustainable business models. The TWIGA...

  • Remote Sensing for Land Suitability Assessment in Angola

    The government of Angola considers the agricultural sector as an economic sector that offers great prospects and therefore aims to further develop the agricultural sector in order to diversify its economy. The potential for expanding the area under production is great. To support the effective planning of interventions that increase...

  • LAUREL: Land Use Planning for Enhanced Resilience of Landscapes

    Deforestation, population growth, and climate change are only some of the challenges to sustainable landscape management in Madagascar. Severe impacts of land degradation on crop production, water availability and biodiversity are already observed and expected to exacerbate in the future. To address these challenges, the World Bank is supporting the...

  • Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Irrigation in Kazakhstan

    The government of Kazakhstan with financial support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is planning to upgrade and rehabilitate its irrigation sector. A detailed Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) has been undertaken by a consortium led by FutureWater in 2017. The team collected all available data on the project...

  • Climate Resilient Water Supply System for Uzbekistan

    Uzbekistan is upgrading and further developing its domestic water supply system in the western part of the country (Republic of Karakalpakstan). Tthe water supply system must be full climate proof in design and operations. The Green Climate Fund (through the Asian Development Bank) will be asked to finance the climate...

  • Leapfrogging Delta Management: Showcase operational rainfall monitoring

    Significant decisions are to be made to manage and engineer the water systems in Myanmar and to develop large structural and non-structural projects (e.g. hydropower dams, urban water use, industrial development, extension of irrigation capacity, operational quantity and quality management, etc.). The Myanmar and Dutch governments have agreed to cooperate...

  • DAISY2: Daring Applications and Innovations in Sensor sYstems

    DAISY2 builds on the success of the DAISY project in which a compact and mobile sensor system was developed aimed at different socio-economic applications like e.g. security, life-sciences, transport, logistics, and agro-food. Within DAISY2 we aim to further develop this sensor system and explore the viability of this products for...

  • CoMET: Slimme modelkoppeling voor betere actuele verdampingsschatting

    Momenteel worden via het SAT-WATER initiatief verdampingsdata aangekocht die gebaseerd is op optische en thermische satellietbeelden. Zulke beelden zijn op bewolkte dagen echter niet beschikbaar, waardoor de berekening van de actuele verdamping niet optimaal uitgevoerd kan worden. Dit is een serieus obstakel voor het gebruik van satellietgebaseerde verdampingsdata voor het...

  • Hydropower Development Assessment for the Tamakoshi River Basin

    The overall objective of this project is to improve the understanding of the expected impacts of climate change on water availability in the context of potential hydropower development in the Tamakoshi River Basin. Specifically, the project aims to (i) Understand the current baseline hydrological regime of the Tamakoshi River Basin,...

  • IMPREX: IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes

    FutureWater leads the coordination of the “Agriculture and Drought” sectoral Work Package of IMPREX. This WP specifically aims to study and evaluate the use of IMPREX weather forecasts and predictions, climate variability, and drought indicators to assess agricultural drought risk and impacts over four case studies and at the pan-European...

  • Economic assessment of management alternatives in the protected areas of LAG Campoder

    This project aims to advertise about the environmental assets found in the LAG Campoder at the Murcia Region (SE Spain), and to quantify using social and economic techniques the degree in which these assets are perceived by local population. FutureWater is responsible for the characterization and description of three representative...

  • Review Climate Change Hindu-Kush-Himalaya

    FutureWater provided a comprehensive review study on climate change and the impacts on cryosphere, hydrological regimes and glacier lakes in the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. This review study was done in the context of future hydropower development in the region.

  • Demonstration of Remote Sensing Information for Integrated Reservoir Management in the Red River Basin in Northern Vietnam

    In 2011 the Vietnamese and Dutch government signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of a Government to Government (G2G) program for improved integrated planning and monitoring of water resources for transboundary water management and disaster risk management. This project was formulated as part of the G2G trajectory towards...

  • HI-AWARE: Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience

    HI-AWARE aims to contribute to enhanced adaptive capacities and climate resilience of the poor and vulnerable women, men, and children living in the mountains and flood plains of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. Research, including modeling, scoping studies, action research, and randomized control trials, is conducted at 12...

  • Central Asia Regional Risk Assessment for Water Related Energy Sector Impacts

    The objective of this study was to support the “Central Asia Regional Energy Sector Vulnerability Study” led by Industrial Economics (IEc) and funded by the World Bank, by carrying out an expanded risk assessment for water availability and water related energy sector impacts in Central Asia. The work built on...

  • OWASIS-UK: Observatory of Water Availability – System of Integrated Services

    The main objective of this study is to explore the potential to combine optical and gravity data from Earth Observation with meteorological data, together with innovative in situ sensors, hydrological modelling and crowd sourcing technologies, and the advanced visualization of the information through situation awareness platforms and decision support tools,...

  • Gridded Meteorological Datasets and Hydrological Modelling in the Upper Indus Basin

    Understanding of the hydrological regimes in the mountainous Upper Indus basin (UIB) is essential for water resources management in the region. High-resolution gridded meteorological datasets, which capture the spatial variability of precipitation, are critical for modelling the hydrology of high-mountain regions. Improvements to existing gridded datasets using high-elevation station data...

  • Online field-scale irrigation management for Romania

    In this project a field-scale irrigation planning and management system was setup and tested. The basis for this system is formed by online in-situ ground data on soil moisture content and hydrological model calculations of the root zone and shallow subsoil. Weather stations and soil moisture sensors were installed at...

  • Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Into Agriculture in the Southern Caucasus

    This study contributes to the agriculture sector climate change impact assessment and adaptation and mitigation strategy identification and evaluation. The study encompasses the three countries of the Southern Caucasus region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The project also includes components for capacity building among in-country staff, and support of the World...

  • Monitoring of Glacier, Climate and Runoff in the Hindu – Kush Himalayan Mountains

    For this project a review was conducted of current state of knowledge in (i) climate change datasets and downscaling used for glacier and high mountain modelling, (ii) glacier and snow contribution to river runoff in the Hindu – Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, (iii) hydrological modelling studies used for glacier and...

  • Assessment of the Irrigation Potential in Nile Countries in Central Africa

    In order to fill gaps in the Nile Basin Initiative and member country information bases on agricultural water use the irrigation potential of seven Nile countries was assessed. This project consisted of several consecutive steps, in which hydrological modelling, the use of remote sensed data, ArcGIS analyses, consultation workshops and...

  • Irrigation Potential Lake Victoria, Tanzania

    A study was undertaken to evaluate and rank five potential irrigation schemes in the Tanzania part of the Lake Victoria Basin. The study focused on the following five thematic areas: (i) land suitability, (ii) water resources assessment, (iii) water requirements, (iv) environmental considerations, and (v) institutional aspects.

  • Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling of the Rio Bravo, Aguascalientes and Central Northern Valleys

    The project has shown how modern analytical tools such Remote Sensing, GIS and simulation models can help to swiftly obtain data to support the water management decision making process. A diagnosis of the Rio Bravo and Northern Central Aquifers has been made to demonstrate management options as well as how...

  • Adaptation to Climate Change for Agriculture in The Gambia

    Methodology Development of adaptation benefit-cost framework: The framework was developed in a manner to make it possible to isolate development- and climate-related benefits and costs of individual projects and to assess the sensitivity of adaptation benefits and costs to the uncertainty inherent in regional climate change scenarios. Development of analytical tools and procedures: The project...