Nieuws in 2012

A study on the use of high-resolution vs. coarse-resolution satellite imagery in crop yield forecasting

FutureWater has started a project that evaluates the added value of high-resolution satellite imagery above coarse resolution satellite imagery in crop yield forecasting. FutureWater undertakes this project in collaboration with the Soil Physics and Land Management Group of Wageningen University and eLeaf. This project is commissioned by CCAFS and funded by CIAT. The question of...

SPHY – Een model voor bodemvocht en verdamping in Nederland

FutureWater heeft de afgelopen maanden gewerkt aan een vlakdekkend hydrologisch model met de naam SPHY (Spatial Processes in HYdrology). Het model is ontwikkeld voor de berekening van het bodemvocht in de wortelzone en de verdamping voor heel Nederland. Op dagbasis worden hydrologische berekeningen gedaan voor gridcellen van 250 m x 250 m. Het model is...

Green Water Management and Credits Toolkit for China

In June 2012, a consortium of ISRIC, FutureWater, and Nelen en Schuurmans won the project, financed by Partners for Water. Green Water Management & Credits is a concept developed by ISRIC. It allows quantification of water supply and demand, erosion reduction, yield increase, sedimentation amounts, and hydropower production that is needed to calculate the economic...

Towards a Mekong Delta Portal

In a consortium led by Nelen & Schuurmans, the following consortium partners will work together on the Partners for Water subsidized project “Towards a Mekong Delta Portal”: Nelen & Schuurmans, FutureWater, Deltaris, DHV, and InTech. In this pilot project an integrated information portal of the river basins in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta is developed, implemented...

Hydrological flow forecasting in Chile

In the frame of the ESA Integrated Applications Promotion (IAP) programme (ARTES element 20), FutureWater participates in a project aiming at developing an operational hydrological flow forecasting system for two pilot catchments with hydropower facilities in Chile. In a consortium led by Starlab, FutureWater is responsible for the integration of remote sensing data and in...

FutureWater neemt deel aan Werkveldcommissie WUR Bodem Water Atmosfeer

De BSc.-studie Soil Water Atmosphere en MSc.-studie Earth and Environment van de WUR kennen een zogenaamde Werkveldcommissie. In deze commissie zitten vertegenwoordigers van bedrijven en instellingen waar afgestudeerden van WUR werkzaam zijn, zoals DHV, Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst, TCB, Meteoconsult, het RIVM Lab voor Ecologische Risico-beoordeling en Witteveen+Bos. FutureWater maakt onderdeel uit van deze commissie in de...

Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme

Within the framework of the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP) coordinated by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), FutureWater has started an assessment of future water availability scenarios for the upstream Indus, Brahmaputra and Ganges basins. The HICAP programme focuses on seven components: 1. Climate change scenarios 2. Water availability and demand...

Green Water Credits Proof of Concepts workshop in Fèz, Morocco

During 12-16 December 2011, FutureWater was in Fèz for a workshop to finalize the Proof-of-Concepts phase of the Green Water Credits (GWC) project in the Sebou River basin, Morocco. Green Water Credits is a mechanism for payments to land users in return for specified soil and water management activities that determine the water supply to...