FutureWater organizes coordination meeting for IMPREX project at EU Joint Research Centre

On 27 and 28 June, IMPREX partners working on agriculture and droughts gathered in the premises of the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) in the Italian city of Ispra. The two-day meeting provided an opportunity to review recent progress, coordinate future actions, and to establish links with relevant activities and laboratories of the JRC. The...

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Identifying and designing business models for the ThirdEye project in Mozambique

How to be a commercial business, and at the same time reach out to the rural poor and enable them to increase their food production and improve their livelihoods? The key ingredient for success is getting the right business model! Agricultural Business Developer Jelle van den Akker investigated the transition of the ThirdEye project from a...

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Promotieonderzoek: Meer water in Aziatische rivieren door klimaatverandering

Tekst deels van Universiteit Utrecht Op vrijdag 27 mei verdedigt Arthur Lutz zijn proefschrift dat het resultaat is van een gezamenlijk promotieonderzoek van FutureWater en de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij concludeert dat klimaatverandering zorgt voor meer regen en smeltwater, en dus voor meer water in de Aziatische rivieren. Meer dan een miljard De meeste grote rivieren...

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Lezing Dr. Walter Immerzeel – IceSpy: drones om gletsjers in de Himalaya te analyseren

Tijdens de vijftigste editie van het internationale rondreizende Campus Party, 25 tot en met 29 mei is de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, zal Dr. Walter Immerzeel een keynote lezing geven. De lezing gaat over de gevolgen van klimaatverandering op de gletsjers en ijsvelden in de Himalaya op een hoogte van 5000 meter en hoger. Zo’n 1.5...

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Dr. Walter Immerzeel ontvangt Vidi-subsidie

Dr. Walter Immerzeel, hydroloog bij FutureWater en wetenschapper van de Universiteit Utrecht, heeft van NWO een Vidi-financiering toegekend gekregen van 800.000 euro. In totaal dienden 572 onderzoekers in Nederland een aanvraag in, waarvan NWO er uiteindelijk 87 heeft gehonoreerd. De Vidi-subsidievorm is gericht op excellente onderzoekers die na hun promotie al een aantal jaren succesvol...

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ThirdEye: Training new Flying Sensor operators in Mozambique

A key factor in enabling an increase and efficiency in food production is providing farmers with relevant information. Such information is needed as farmers have limited resources (seed, water, fertilizer, pesticides, human power) and are always in doubt in which location and when they should supply these resources. Interesting is that especially smallholders, with their...

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FutureWater contributes to the EGU General Assembly 2016

Results of several ongoing projects of FutureWater were being disseminated among a large group of scientists last week during the General Assembly 2016 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The EGU General Assembly was held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, from 17 to 22 April 2016. It is the largest conference on the...

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PhD position: Development of Future Weather techniques for flood risk assessment

We are delighted that you consider joining the ETN System-Risk as an Early Stage Research (ESR) fellow. System-Risk is a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network which aims on developing and implementing a systems approach for large-scale flood risk assessment and management and provides a framework for training and career development of 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). The network brings...

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FutureWater presents at conference on Climate Change Impacts for Indus Basin Waters

An International Conference on Climate and Environmental Change Impacts on the Indus Basin Waters was organized jointly by ICIMOD, The World Bank Group and the International Water Management Institute from 16 to 19 February 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Indus River Basin is shared by four countries Afghanistan, China, India, and Pakistan.  The Indus Basin...

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FutureWater receives award for the best contribution on precision agriculture and flying sensors

The contribution “Spectral and physiological responses of Citrus irrigated with saline reclaimed water combined with deficit irrigation strategies” was recently awarded as the best submission in the “Precision Agriculture” thematic panel of the 2nd Spanish Symposium of Horticultural Engineering held in Almeria between 12-16 February. The contribution was led by Cristina Romero and is the...

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