Amelia Fernández MSc. holds a BSc. In Telecommunications Systems Engineering and a MSc. In Telecommunications Engineering from Polytechnical University of Cartagena, Spain. Taking advantage of the wide range of possible applications of Telecommunications, she had been focused during her study on trying to use remote sensing for solving real problems and challenges related to Climate Change and Earth Observation.

Amelia has developed expertise in geospatial analysis, software development and forecasting tools for supporting sustainable water resources management and developing climate adaptation strategies.In addition, she has designed and delivered training programs in countries such as Zambia and Pakistan for well-known institutions as NUFFIC (the Netherlands) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO).

Gerelateerde projecten

  • SPHY GUI Plugins Update

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  • Megadroughts in the water towers of Europe – from process understanding to strategies for management and adaptation

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  • MAGDA: Meteorological Assimilation from Galileo and Drones for Agriculture

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  • Capacity Building on Water Accounting in Pakistan

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Pakistan has recently secured Green Climate Fund (GCF) funds for increasing the climate resilience of agriculture and water management in the Indus Basin. Given the region’s climate vulnerability, it is critical to improve information services and build the country’s...

  • SOS-Water: Water Resources System Safe Operating Space in a Changing Climate and Society

    The SOS-Water Project endeavours to set out the boundaries within which the Earth’s capacity to provide life-support systems for humanity is not endangered, and humanity’s capacity to adapt to environmental changes is not overburdened. Crossing such thresholds or tipping points in the complex Earth system could result in abrupt and...

Gerelateerde publicaties

  • 2024 - Technical reportFernández-Rodríguez, A., S. Contreras, G. Simons. Satellite-based Water Productivity of dominant croplands in the Jucar River Basin (Spain) by local implementation of WaPOR algorithm. 2024.Technical report. X

    Satellite-based Water Productivity of dominant croplands in the Jucar River Basin (Spain) by local implementation of WaPOR algorithm

    Fernández-Rodríguez, A., S. Contreras, G. Simons

  • 2024 - Technical reportVerschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano. 2023. MAGDA: Water Balance Simulations. Deliverable 6.1. Technical report Meteorological Assimilation from Galileo and drones for agriculture (MAGDA) project.X

    Demonstrator operational irrigation advisory service

    Verschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano

  • 2024 - ESA-Incubed Project Final Report (FREP)Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández-Rodríguez. 2024. Infosequia-4CAST: Towards an Operational Satellite-based Drought Early Warning and Forecasting System for Quantifying Risks of Crop and Water Supply Failures. ESA-Incubed Project Final Report (FREP)X

    Infosequia-4CAST: Towards an Operational Satellite-based Drought Early Warning and Forecasting System for Quantifying Risks of Crop and Water Supply Failures

    Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández-Rodríguez

  • 2023 - Technical reportVerschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano. 2023. MAGDA: Water Balance Simulations. Deliverable 6.1. Technical report Meteorological Assimilation from Galileo and drones for agriculture (MAGDA) project.X

    MAGDA: Water Balance Simulations

    Verschuren, L., A. Fernández, M. de Klerk, S. Contreras, E. Aparicio Medrano

  • 2023 - FutureWater Report 234Contreras, S., A. Fernández, J.E. Hunink, G.W.H. Simons. 2023. InfoSequia-4CAST: Water Supply Pilot Case. FutureWater Report 234.X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Water Supply Pilot Case

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández, J.E. Hunink, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2023 - FutureWater Report 235Contreras, S., A. Fernández, A. Grudnowska, M. Wens, G.W.H. Simons. 2023. InfoSequia-4CAST: Crop Yield Pilot Case. FutureWater Report 235.X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Crop Yield Pilot Case

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández, A. Grudnowska, M. Wens, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2023 - Technical reportContreras, S., A. Fernández. 2023. G3P-GDI InfoSequia Integration and Evaluation Report, Deliverable 5.6. Technical Report. Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P) ProjectX

    G3P-GDI InfoSequia Integration and Evaluation Report

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández

  • 2022 - FutureWater Report 234Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, A. Fernández, S. Khanal, G.W.H. Simons. 2022. InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia-4CAST Development. FutureWater Report 234. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia-4CAST Development

    Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, A. Fernández, S. Khanal, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2022 - FutureWater Report 235Contreras, S., C. Nolet, S. Khanal, A. Fernández, G.W.H. Simons. 2022. InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia Monitor Upgrading. FutureWater Report 235. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Report on InfoSequia Monitor Upgrading

    Contreras, S., C. Nolet, S. Khanal, A. Fernández, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 230Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández. 2021. InfoSequia-4CAST: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan. FutureWater Report 230. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan

    Contreras, S., G.W.H. Simons, A. Fernández

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 229Contreras, S., A. Fernández, G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons. 2021. InfoSequia-4CAST: Action Plan for Developing and Testing. FutureWater Report 229. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Action Plan for Developing and Testing

    Contreras, S., A. Fernández, G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons

  • 2021 - FutureWater Report 228Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons, C. Nolet, J.Beard, S. Khanal, A. Fernández. 2021. InfoSequia-4CAST: Baseline Design Report. FutureWater Report 228. X

    InfoSequia-4CAST: Baseline Design Report

    Contreras, S., G. Guimarães, G.W.H. Simons, C. Nolet, J.Beard, S. Khanal, A. Fernández