Indonesia is planning to use its water resources more extensively. Drinking water, irrigation and environmental flow requirements should be served and the baseline of how much water is available currently and under climate change should be known. FutureWater has developed a climate risk screening approach, based on a rapid assessment, to evaluate current and future water resource availability for all basins in Indonesia. Results show that the Turc implementation of the Budyko framework is effective. Overall water availability in the country is abundant, but climate change and water abstractions need to be considered. Also, climate change will impact some basins more severe than others.

The Asian Development Bank is supporting the Government of Indonesia in developing its water infrastructure. Impact of climate change and potential adaptation to those changes are evaluated. One component of the project is to assess water availability for all Indonesian catchments currently and under changing climate. FutureWater has supported the program by developing a climate risk screening approach to rapidly assess current water resource availability and the impact of climate change on this.

Various rapid assessment assessments have been tested and the Turc implementation of the Budyko framework has been proven to be effective for basins in Indonesia. ERA5 past climate and NASA-NEX GDDP climate projections have been applied for all basins in Indonesia. Results show that all Indonesian basins are likely to see an increase in runoff over the coming century. However, variability in runoff will increase, with more extreme dry and wet periods. This will have implications for water management planning and climate related hazards such as more prolonged droughts and higher risks of flooding.